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Three Great Reasons To Make Sugar Cookies

If you're like most people, you've got your special goodies that you bake during the holiday season -- and this may be the only time of the year that these yummy treats make an appearance in your home. However, there are substantial benefits involved in breaking out your holiday sugar cookie recipe in the middle of July, August, or any other time outside of the traditional holiday season. Following are three great reasons to bake sugar cookies even outside of the holiday season. 

It's Raining

It's raining and you're stuck inside -- so it's a perfect time to whip up a batch of yummy baked goods. Transform an ordinary rainy afternoon into a special occasion by getting out your favorite holiday sugar cookie recipe and going on a cookie baking spree. If you've got little ones in the home, this provides a way to give them a rudimentary baking lesson. After the cookies have baked and cooled, give them some tubes of frosting and multicolored sprinkles to decorate the cookies with. Put on a fun, family friendly movie and sit down to watch it with the family with a plate of sugar cookies and some tasty beverages. 

You're Stressed

It's hard to let anxiety have its way with you when the aroma of sugar cookies baking in the oven is wafting through your home.Baking is known to have several mental health benefits. For instance, psychologists have found that baking provide a creative outlet for many people that contributes to their overall sense of well-being. Baking is also considered to be a productive way to practice mindfulness, which is a close cousin of meditation and entails living in the present moment and accepting it for what it is. Who wouldn't experience a reduction in stress levels when they're mindfully baking a scrumptious batch of sugar cookies?

You've Got New Neighbors

Bringing a warm plate of freshly baked cookies to a new family who has just moved into your neighborhood used to be a widely practiced tradition, but modern life has left it behind. However, there's no reason why you can't revive this gracious practice. It will get you and your new neighbors off to a great start, and you'll be able to keep back a few cookies for your own enjoyment. 

Sugar cookies are easy, quick, can be decorated in a variety of fun ways or left plain, and almost everyone loves them -- you can't go wrong! Click here for more information.
